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Membri - Italy
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Marco De Lorenzi
Moonbuggy Team Italy 2012
coop: International Space Education Institute Leipzig - Liceo Scientifico G. B. Benedetti Venice 

Marco de Lorenzi

Hi, my name is Marco De lorenzi and i live in Venice, where i was born in May, 1994.
I study at high scool Liceo Benedetti, i've chosen this kind ok school because i love scientific subjects since when i was a child, particularly biology, physics and mathematics: I am passionate about subatomic physics, maybe because my father, who works as a researcher at CNR, often tells me about his work.

I've not decided yet about what i'm going to study at the university; though i think to do physics or biotechnology.
I love sports, particularly Handball: in fact i play this sport for six years, with my team, CUS Venezia, which i'm very attachet I follow another passion, the game of chess, in fact i belong to the school's team, which i do many tournament, also international ones. Finally, this summer, i did a voluntary campus, where i worked with guys with my same age to attend a national reserve in Salento, Puglia.

Me and my classmates insisted to partecipate in the moonbuggy project that was proposed by Mr. Ralf Heckel, an opportunity to have a new kind of experience we must get.
