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see also "Orbituary: Jesco von Puttkamer"

sam-scimemi-jvp-memoryOn Monday 04/02/2013 at NASA Headquarters in Washington hosted the commemoration of Professor Dr. Jesco von Puttkamer. This ceremony was organized by the NASA-colleagues Sam Scimemi and Susann Essington. There were the most employees of the E Street 300, including NASA Administrator Charles Bolden. Among the speakers were Bill Gerstenmaier, a surprise guest from Europe, the opera singer Sir Donald McIntyre (Wagner Festival) and the chairboard of the Leipzig International Space Education Institute, Yvonne and Ralf Heckel by video message.

Jesco von Puttkamer - Videochannel on Youtube:














Schuttle astronaut Bill Readdy wrote afterwards: "I was there today and gave a speech It all went quite well They read your letter of tribute to Jesco He would have been very pleased At the conclusion they had a slideshow with the.... music 'What a Wonderful World' by Louis Armstrong. "

Speech from Yvonne und Ralf Heckel, remarks by Jacob Keaton, Programm Specialist, ISS Division:

"The message of Professor von Puttkamers dead came to us as we prepared the next generation of students for the NASA Moonbuggy Race, only some hours after he passed away. We all were shocked about the loss of a good teacher, famous scientist, perfect visioneer, excellent engineer and a warm friend. It was Christmas, only some steps away from his house of birth, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany. 

“The Professor” was and is an idol for our young generation from Germany, Russia, India, Italy, France and Huntsville. His stories, his power and his hints made a deep echo into the visions of these kids. He was a man from the far – so close to everybody who had the chance to meet him.

“Prof. Dr. von Puttkamer” was an institution for the human spaceflight for all people who worked and lived in the space family at NASA, ESA, DLR and Roscosmos. He was the one from the last. A workaholic anytime, a man who was able to crab the future like a body and who had the history in his pockets. A man who had an opinion with a large fundament and an autopilot in his head. This machine was programmed for the future. Unfortunaly on the place of the ISS-status reports is a hole now, a hole in the brain of each space scientist, engineer and enthusiast.

“Jesco” was a call what was used by not many people in this world. To be a friend of this legacy was a honor and a large responsibility. This name was a bridge between the Korolevs and the von Brauns, between the rocketeers and the greenhorns, between the experts and the idealists. Jesco was a friend and a racehorse for people who were big enough to follow his ideas. Uncounted times we were able to sit with him together on the carpet in his house on the Monte Sano in Huntsville were he lived in the Apollo Era, in the Salineos Subvilla were he got his subs for the NBL-work in the time of spacelab, in the El Palacio were the von Braun Team drank a beer after work and in the grass under the oaks next to the von Braun cementary in Ivy Hill in Alexandia were he was near the tears. Anytime he told us incredible stories from the past and his logic result for the future.

We had the luck to know the Professor, the engineer and the friend very well since 15 years. This time was an awesome honor for us. He opened doors for our students and us to the NASA-Centers KSC, MAF, Michoud AF, JSC, MSFC, USSRC and ignited the international division of the NASA Moonbuggy Race in 2007. We were able to see 3 Space Shuttle launches, rocket launches, spoke with the ISS-Crew 6 and were able to carry more than 100 international students to the NASA holy halls of the future. 100 times more students are reading our reports with a gleaming heart. His words “I hang my head far out of the window here – don’t let me hang there” – was law for us as teacher and for our students. Never we or they let him hang. We were able to open doors to the Korolev Family (Sputnik Designer), to a vision of an idealistic young generation and to the Russian holy halls of spaceflight.

Unforgettable are the words of him. There will be never forgotten and are the spirit, the fuel for a future and a generation of exploration:
“turn around the comfort-zone and follow the NASA core values”
“take the challenge of the hard thinks, not the easy thinks”
“You should never give up your dreams – take it, make it and reach it”
“Think big and antizyclic”
“Be a multidisciplinary and multinational talent”

But mostly we have respect for this words:
“A country what has a youth without visions - has no future.”

Jesco von Puttkamer was the strategic thinker the architect of our International Space Education Institute in Leipzig. Since 10 years we were able to give his ideas of space education a realistic house in his town of birth, a center between his old home, the new and other world. Today it is an independend non-profit association with 250 extravagant high-performance activities per year. We are proud about a bridge of education, exchange and excursions between Huntsville, Leipzig and Korolev-City. We are teaching students to build high performance teams and teach them to find goals of those projects at the space competitions in this world. Hundreds of sponsors, donators and scientists are now behind this. First start up companies of engineering and space tourism are producing their first win and …. of course taxes.

Yestarday, on the February 3rd of 2013 we had a general meeting. We were discuss how we can honor for Prof. von Puttkamers work so, that space students will have anytime a win from it. We choose to found the “Jesco von Puttkamer Foundation”. Countless artifacts and a provision of the win of all of our startup-companies will form the basics of this corporate citizenship. The opening ceremony will be on his 80th birthday, the September the 22th 2013 in Leipzig. A group of international space scientists will select the best international students who made good results in space business in more than 3 countries. They will receive cash prizes and educational support for their future. May this be a bridge into the future of all of us – in memory of Prof. Dr. Jesco von Puttkamer.

We invite all interested people to be a part of this foundation and its jury. The Mars and the extraterrestical evolution was his logic dream for the future – now we have the responsibility to do it.

Yvonne and Ralf Heckel
Chairboard of the International Space Education Institute
ambassadors of the USSRC
special members of the Astronaut Memorial Foundation and the Foundation of Russian Space Museums
friends of Jesco von Puttkamer
Leipzig/Germany Febr. 4th 2013"

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