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Student reports - 2012
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Roman Tarasov, Moonbuggy Team Russia, 2012 College
International Space Education Institute

Pensacola/FL, 29.03.2012

Roman TarasovСтоит жаркая и знойная погода, которая характерна для этого времени года. Правда, влажность тоже высокая. Мы находимся в Америке, а точнее во Флориде на пляже Пенсакола (Pensacola beach). Это место очень уютно расположилось в Мексиканском заливе, почти в  Атлантическом Океане. Температура в районе 30 градусов или даже больше. Вот уже как второй день  мы все вместе и дружно отдыхаем тут. Люди вокруг очень дружелюбные и приветливые. В кафе всегда спрашивают откуда мы приехали, так как нас выдает наш акцент и не желание пить кока-колу. Как ни странно, но когда мы просим принести нам чаю, люди сразу подразумевают прохлаждающий чай со льдом. Видимо тут не принято пить горячий чай. Ночуем мы в машине, в нашем огромной автобусе столько места, что нам кажется здесь даже уютнее чем в отеле. Этот пляж расположенный на маленьком кусочке суши настолько прекрасен и обвораживает своими строениями, которые до сели мы видели только в фильмах. Вечерами мы сидим на берегу залива и размышляем над тем что нам предстоит сделать в скором времени...

Вернемся немного в прошлое. Вспомним 2011 год, когда мы только в первый раз готовились к Moonbuggy Race. Я думаю мы обойдем стороной историю о том как мы встретились с Женей и начали работать над данным проектом. Это было время когда мы только начинали придумывать новые узлы и конструкцию для нашей moonbuggy. По большей степени Женя занимался детальной проработкой технической документации для новых узлов и конструкций moonbuggy. Я естественно тоже занимался тем же, но мой опыт в разработке технической документации немного ниже. Я больше специализировался на механическом применении наших компьютерных разработок. Естественно нам помогали другие студенты которые тоже участвуют в данном проекте, в подавляющем большинстве это немецкие студенты. Мы всегда с Женей вспоминаем как мы проводили бессонные ночи над созданием новой подвески для нашей moonbuggy. Раньше мы никогда не понимали как можно за последнюю ночь доделывать чертежи и пытаться закончить такие вещи которые в принципе кажутся непосильными. Но как нас научила жизнь — нет ничего невозможно, нужно только старание и упорство. Не обходилось у нас и без ошибок. Нужно признать очень часто по чертежам которые мы изготовили, естественно были произведены детали, невозможно было осуществить сборку данных деталей. И как следствие приходилось их дорабатывать молотком и болгаркой, после чего. они теряли свой вид, увы. К с частью, все компании с которыми мы работали, а точнее которые производили детали для moonbuggy, были и есть очень отзывчивые и понимающие. Все компании нам помогали советами и рассказывали как правильнее изготовить и произвести ту или иную деталь.

Вернемся так же к бюрократическим вещам, чтобы полететь в Америку нам естественно нужно было получить визу. К сожалению это оказалось не так легко. Нет, мы конечно собрали все документы, которые нам предназначались, Ральф нам помог получить специальное собеседование. Но к     великому сожалению, в посольстве нам сказали что изготовление визы может занять до 3 месяцев, которыми мы опять-таки не располагали.  У нас было всего 4 недели до полета в Америку на Great NASA Moonbuggy Race и мы были так счастливы, что подали документы на визу и надеялись что все документы будут готовы. Мы с головой погрузились в работу, у нас ее было не мало. И вот последняя неделя до полета в США, moonbuggy готова, осталось довести последние штрихи у вуа-ля! К большому сожалению, мы осознали, что у нас до сих пор нету визы и в посольстве нам сказали, что не факт, что ее сделают в нужный срок. Мы спокойно запаковали наши чемоданы со своими членами команды, в сумме у нас было 2 багги и две команды — немецкая и российская. Moonbuggy мы пакуем в большие чемоданы, по 23 кг каждый. Все вещи и детали были успешно запакованы. Мы проводили наших ребят в аэропорт и пожелали им удачи и в надежде скорой встречи вместе с нами. В расстроенных чувствах...нет, скорее всего это состояние даже нельзя описать корректно синтаксическими словами моего словарного запаса. Самое что ужасное, у нас осталось наша подвеска, которую мы должны были привести с собой. То есть, даже если в случае мы не приедем — не страшно, остальные члены команды не смогут выступить на новой подвеске, естественно произошло то, что и следовало ожидать, визу нам так и не дали и никуда мы не полетели. Конечно нас переполняло чувство обиды. Мой отец всегда говорит: „Если это не случилось, значит это не должно было случится или еще не время, сынок.“ Наверно, все сложилось верно. Слишком быстрый взлет — это тоже плохо...

Да, каждый раз оглядываться в прошлое - неправильно.  В этот раз все сложилось удачно, мы получили визу вовремя, moonbuggy собрано и работает исправно. В этом году нам улыбнулась удача, у нас появились две новые команды, соответственно новые студенты. Это команды из Индии и Италии. И еще одна детская команда из Германии, ну может не такая уж и детская. Во всяком случае, все moonbuggy готовы и ждут своего часа выступить и показать себя на трассе в Great NASA Moonbuggy Race. Друг Ральфа — Томас, любезно предоставил нам его большой и комфортабельный гараж, где смогут разместиться все наши команды. И мы с удовольствием примем и поможем другим иностранным командам, в нашем гараже. За неделю пребывания в Америке, мы посетили празднование 100-й годовщины со дня рождения Вернера фон Брауна, обустроили и сделали наш гараж, пригодный для сборки, доработки и обкатки moonbuggy.  Мы смотрим на следующие 3 недели в Америки с большой надеждой и энтузиазмом. Надеемся что мы проведем их с максимальной пользой для всех нас. Желаю всем удачи на moonbuggy race!

User Rating: / 2
Student reports - 2012
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Daniele Cini, Moonbuggy Team Italy/India, 2012 Highschool
International Space Education Intitute

Venice, 27.03.2012

Daniele CiniMy name is Daniele Cini, I’m seventeen years old; I live in Venice since I was born and I’m now attending the fourth class of the Scientific high school G.B.Benedetti. The Moonbuggy project was proposed to us by Ralf Heckel, chairman of the International Space Education Institute (ISEI) in November, while he was in Venice, and immediately interested the whole class; after some “SKYPE meetings”(the last one on Christmas’ Eve) with the help of Ralf himself and the interpreter Arianna Martin we were able to begin our adventure. On January we booked the flight tickets, and on February the 5th we were flying to Leipzig. The experience was immediately dynamic: the first day (Monday) we visited BMW factory and Leipzig’s Handwerkskammer, Tuesday we travelled to Anhalt-Saxony to see the Nebra’s disc museum, the Mittelbau-Dora Concentration Camp Memorial, Korolev’s house……. And in the next few days more other things. After all, in the second part of the week, we analyzed and translated the Great Moonbuggy Race’s rules and we learnt how to use some kind of press machines; and, finally, on Saturday we drove for the first time a real Moonbuggy in Leipzig’s fair!!!

Come back home we were informed that the experience may continued if we were interested: an indian team was inable to participate unless it formed an “International Team”; we caught immediately this occasion! Obviously the class had to choose who would have the luck to live this educative adventure, taking into account school profit and capacities: at the end we were chosen in five. We prepared an application video on February the 20th and we sent it to NASA the next day: it was a success! Ralf made the possible he could to add us to the Indian team and finally NASA said yes!!! We began immediately to do the things we were told to do: we booked the flight for Huntsville, AL on March the 1st and we contacted all the companies or agency we could that may be interested in sponsoring our project; moreover we contacted CNR (National Research Center) turnery to build the pieces we needed. Time was against us (we had got only one month) so things getting hard day by day, and this challenge made us aware of the difficulties of this type of activity. Ralf was very solicitous and prompt, so that every question was quickly answered (we also organized a little SKYPE meeting on March the 15th). Our project interested also local press, so that from the 20th we started to appear in newspapers as “il corriere del Veneto” and “la Nuova di Venezia Mestre”; we also find a pair of important sponsor at the end of the month, so that our travel to America is beginning even better than we expected!!!

User Rating: / 3
Student reports - 2012
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Marco De Lorenzi, Moonbuggy Team Italy/India, 2012 Highschool
International Space Education Institute

Venice, 28.03.2012

Marco De LorenziMy name is Marco De Lorenzi, i'm 17 and i live in Venice. In November Ralf Heckel explained us what the "great moonbuggy race" is, and invited all of my class to attend a Workshop in Leipzig, in February.
So we came there and we learnt many things: the marketing behind the moonbuggy race, the NASA rules, how to make small pieces in a turnery, and many other things about the story of moonbuggy.
At the end of the workshop, Ralf gave us the possibility to participate, in a multi-national team, to the "Great Moonbuggy Race" in Huntsville.
So Laura, Simon, Daniele, Giacomo and me decided to follow this possibility and we started to work hard to advertise the moonbuggy in Italy and find sponsors for our team and for ISEI.
We also looked for some pieces of moonbuggy, and other pieces were to be built by a turnery,  so we asked CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) to use his turnery.
Until now, this experience has been hard, but now we can see materialize our labor attending the "Great Moonbuggy Race"

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Student reports - 2012
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Laura Martin, Moonbuggy Team Italy/India, 2012 Highschool                 
International Space Education Institute

Venice, 28.03.2012

Laura MartinI’m 17 years old and I am attending the 4th class of the scientific lyceum “G.B.Benedetti” in Venice, where I live.
I have known the “Great Moonbuggy Race” for the first time in November 2011, when  Mr. Heckel, the chairman of the ISEI (International Space Education Institute) came to my high school to give us this wonderful opportunity for our careers and our personal experiences.
I have been very enthusiastic from the beginning, although the project seemed to be really hard, because I think that being able to travel in another country, speak different languages, built an entire moonbuggy on our own, and all that in cooperation with the most important national administration of aeronautics and space, is a once-in-a-life chance!
So my all class agreed happily to go in February to the Winter Workshop in Leipzig organized by Mr. Heckel: we learned the NASA’s values, what “working in a team” really means, how a moonbuggy works and how we could built one, the “Great Moonbuggy Race” rules, and we had our first approach in using machines and building metal pieces by our own hands.                                                                                                               
Then we had to select between us the most motivated 5 students who would have the chance to participate at the Great Moonbuggy Race 2012 in collaboration with an Indian team; so the first Italian Team was founded.
We suddenly started working very hard because we had many things to do and so little time.
Flight and insurance bought, we could focus on our Moonbuggy.

From the beginning we decided to divide the different tasks between us to make our job more efficient:                

  • we immediately looked for a factory which could produce our pieces; luckily, the father of one of us has a friend at work who could help us with his machine
  • we contact the local newspapers to arrange a press conference. We have been interviewed by “Il Corriere del Veneto”, “La Nuova” and “Il Gazzettino”                                                                                                           
  • we looked for sponsor, which has been the hardest thing. In fact there was too little time to contact the boss of the business company and many potential sponsors told us that they could not accept our offer because of the difficult financial situation, due to the crisis. But finally we found some interested company which became the official sponsor of our team.                                                                                                            
  • we found a firm which could provide us some pieces, non-manufacturable by ourselves

The project took us a lot of time: reconciling schoolwork, this and my private life was not so easy.
But our hard work and stress have paid off. I am very proud of what I have done with my teammates up to now because we get real gratification in our success.
I am sure that our transfer in Huntsville for the Great Moonbuggy Race will be a formative and unforgettable experience…We are looking forward to going there, can’t wait!

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Student reports - 2012
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My last months with the Moonbuggy

Giacomo Labbri, Moonbuggy Team Italy/India, 2012 Highschool
International Space Education Institute

Venice, 27.03.2012

Foto: Giacomo LabbriMy name is Giacomo Labbri, I live in Venice and I am attending the forth year at the lyceum G.B. Benedetti. I tell my preparation experience for the "Great Moonbuggy Race"   

On November 1 we had the first contact. Ralf Heckel, ISEI Chairman come to our school, introduce  us to the “Great Moonbuggy Race” and invite all my class to participate to a winter workshop in Leipzig. This project interested most of my classmates, the school headmaster and our teachers were positive about our participation, so we decided to get involved in this project.

On February 5 we flown to Leipzig. Here we had the possibility to learn something about moonbuggy design and construction. We had the opportunity to visit companies who help ISEI in the moonbuggy realization. We also made our first drive on a moonbuggy, we learn NASA values and translated in Italian the Moonbuggy Race Rules. It was an exhausting but fantastic experience. We understood how a work environment is designed and managed.

On February 18 we had a meeting with parents and teachers in Venice. We had to decide who will participate to the Great Moonbuggy Race, taking into account commitment and school profit : 4 classmate of mine and I finally get chosen. We were very happy, but we knew we have to work hard because we have only two months to make it.

Immediately after we had to make an application for NASA, because the international registration-deadline was on January 2012. On February 20 we made a video and wrote a letter of application for NASA in which we introduced ourself and we asked if we can participate to G.M.B.R. together with the Team India of the ISEI. Ralf helped us a lot. We got the OK!

Since  February 23 we started looking for sponsors and moonbuggy parts. We tried and contacted big and small companies by phone and by email. It was a lot of work. Here also the ISEI helped us and was able to make the first sponsors contact for us in Venice. Now we have a main sponsor – The

On March the 5 we met with our physics professors to assemble the back axle. Since March 15 we got the first pieces produced in the turnery in Venice. On March 16 we find components for moonbuggy back seat upholstery and belt. It was one of the few easy things.

On March 19  the first article about our participation to “The G.M.R” appeared on the “Corriere della Sera”. It was quite a goal both for our school and sponsor finding.
Directly after come the first interview. It was on March 20. We are interviewed by a “Gazzettino” reporter and a photographer made some photos of us with our moonbuggy. We never expected it.

On March 21 we found a bicycle shop willing to provide us necessary components (in particular  brakes and gear knobs). We were very happy because we had already tried in other shops but this specific pieces were difficult to find and, in addition, the shop accepted to give us them for free.

The second article on “La Nuova di Venezia e Mestre” was published on March 25. We received our first positive response from a sponsor on March 27. It was an important goal. Finally!

The reports from Huntsville from Evgeniy, Roman and Ralf are a big motivation. They are there and prepare the Moonbuggy Garage. Looking forward to come to Hunstville.

User Rating: / 3
Student reports - 2012

My NASA Moonbuggy challenge 2012 – preparations

Simon Galletti, Moonbuggy Team Italy/India,  2012 Highschool
International Space Education Institute

Venice, 27.03.2012

Foto: Simon GallettiMy name is Simon Galletti and I live in Venice, Italy. In November 2011 the chairman of the International Space Education Institute of Leipzig, Ralf Heckel, came to Venice and to our school, the scientific lyceum G.B.Benedetti.
He explained to my class and I what the ”NASA Great Moonbuggy Race” is and opened a window to this world for us. He then invited all of my class to Leipzig in February to attend a Winter Workshop, where we had an incredibly motivating experience confronting ourselves with our first approach to a professional type of work.

We had a number of excursions which concerned space-rocket history, such as to the Mittelwerk concentration camp that the Nazis used as a factory for the V1 and V2 rockets, and in various occasions we learnt more about space history, like the space race between the personalities of German scientist Wernher Von Braun, who later worked for NASA in the US, and Sergej Pavlovitch Korolev, the Soviet engineer who designed the Sputnik.

Photo: Team ItalyAt the end of the workshop we were offered the possibility to participate to the race in a multinational team, in collaboration with India, hosted by ISEI. At that point all the members of my class had to decide whether to go on with this project, and work really hard during the next two months to be ready to go to Huntsville in April, or to concentrate exclusively on school, and maybe get back on the Moonbuggy program during the summer, for the work that awaits us in the near future: getting Italy involved in this world.

So at that point the first five Italians who would go to Huntsville to participate to the “Great Moonbuggy Race” were decided, and my teammates and I have been working ever since to get our part of the job done : looking for sponsors who would help us in this adventure; finding pieces for our moonbuggy; making pieces that couldn’t be found on the market; putting together the back axle of the moonbuggy (which we will connect to the other half in Huntsville, when we meet with our teammates from India); and trying to publicise the Race as much as we can, because in Italy nobody actually knows about it!

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