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Student reports - 2012

jasmin-haackaltJasmin Haack (17) applied on 19th of December 2012 on the participation in the NASA moon buggy competition 2013 over Jasmine comes from the region around Leipzig and attends a high school in Leipzig. In her free time she is interested in academic work and would like to study after high school plastic technology. Between 27th and 30th of December 2012 she participated in the NASA briefing in Leipzig and learned a lot about what awaits her in this way. She could complete all areas in which she herself had demanded with very good results. These included: Moon Buggy training, CAD course, building a mini buggy out of stainless steel, writing a separate report, introduced into the team, organizing the daily schedule. Below appears the first report of Jasmin.

The transparent representation and reflection of the experienced and learned serves to consolidate and classification of the acquired knowledge and new skills. In the course of one or more years such a reference of Jasmins development appears which helps especially herself. Also supporters and sponsors like to keep an eye on such, in order to take positive impact on the respective student.

Now Jasmin has a week to think thoroughly about participating in the NASA competition. Jasmin also would like to get with the NASA competition a scienecepropaedeutic work for graduation. Our proposal is after an incoming discussion and a test on the CAD design the science of materials: designing, calculating and manufacturing of intelligent plastic parts on the moonbuggy to reduce the weight and increase the ride quality. For this she has a complete CAD office with a 3D plastic printer, a specialist who built a complete precision telescope made of plastic, carbon fiber, and a workshop, and contacts to the BMW factory Leipzig.

more students reports

from Jasmin Haack, Leipzig, 12/28/2012



On 27th of December 2012 I went to the NASA contest. I could hardly imagine what I had to expect. First I saw Citra (an 18 year-old Indonesian student) at the reception and small children at the computer. After initial communication problems Citra explained that I was going to share the room in the fourth floor with another girl and that I was the first one. I climbed up the stairs and took the bed near the window.

Then I went back into the foyer and from there into the meeting room, where Mr. Heckel told me that I was allowed to eat something from the buffet and showed me a movie about space travel. Afterwards the other students arrived, a girl and two boys, Nicolas and Andreas. To the girl, Monika, I immediately showed our room and was glad of the company. After that there was a small round of introductions and we were led around by the moonbuggy-pilot Tobias(16). Unfortunately we were not allowed to drive the Moonbuggies. It was rainy and dark.



In the preparations for diner, we helped with all, as this is also a work of us, because in the U.S., we have to manage everything on our own. In a large group we ate and finally watched a film. We went to our rooms. Monika and I were joking much, so we could get to know us better and better.

My roommate and I talked a lot and slept around 11.00 pm. 7.00 am I got up to help making breakfast. After that I woke Monika so we could have breakfast together, completely relaxed, because no other breakfast guests were present.


After breakfast we got a lecture about the institute and the moonbuggy competitions. The experienced moonbuggy-pilot Nadine (18) did that very impressive. We received overalls in space look, very convenient, comfortable, nice color and warm. The only problem was the size. Finally it was time. We were allowed to drive the buggies a lap around the test track. First alone and then as a team we explored the way. Short jumps on the hills were our main activity. After a short time we drove through sand, on time, down stairs, up stairs and down hills, faster and with less fear..

Too soon we had to leave the area because it was time to eat lunch. While we watched several videos of races, we relished the pasta with Indonesian sauce. Everybody took part in this meal, so that it became a playful table society. Thereafter we four were invidually interviewed about our motives in this competition, our aims and our future. Meanwhile the others played table football in the foyer.

On the second day we all helped making the breakfast and ate in a cheerful round. Afterwards, we discussed what to do next, since most of our group did not come from the vicinity of Leipzig. Our duties home would be: finding sponsors for money and for components, to do advertisement, and to make placements.

Beim Seminar

In der Sternwarte in Krostiz

Because the others still had no real idea of Leipzig, we went by car a round through the city and visited a friend of Mr.. Heckel, who had built himself an observatory made of plastic. Henri Schulz has realized his dream in Krostiz, in a small garage producing everything for the observatory, even the telescope, by himself.

He explained everything and we were allowed to take a look through the telescope. We were able to look at his workshop, where he had built all the parts of his observatory. I was thrilled. Because I also like to do handcraft work, this was more or less a paradise. My task for the team was to design a bumper for our buggy, but I wanted lso to be involved in the brackets for the fenders. Here were the ideal conditions to create something great.

Unfortunately we parted quite early, because the other students should learn something of the history of Leipzig. Finally Leipzig is a cultural important city with an exciting story and silhouette.
Also we looked at different companies, but only from the outside, because on Saturday most were closed. Some companies I want to mention here: BMW, the laser company Rayonik, metalworking HOLL and the Chamber of Trade to Leipzig.

Vor dem Geburtshaus von Prof. Dr. Jesco von Puttkamer

We also visited the birthplace of Dr. Jesco von Puttkamer, who was the longest serving employee of NASA and a good friend of our team leader. He unfortunately died on Christmas of influenza. The story of his youth touched us very much Me it made proud because someone like him, who had to endure a lot of harassment by the Nazis had achieved something in NASA. And that someone was born in Leipzig, my hometown.

 Then we went back to have lunch. Nicolas and I had the task to design different Moonbuggy parts in 3D on the computers under the guidance of Evgeniy with the CAD program, of course, according to technical drawings. Evgeniy Zakutin is a Russian aviation and aerospace engineer from Moscow, with Tobias and his help, we finally managed to create the parts. Proud we sat down to the others to build a small Moonbuggy model. 

Beim Bau des ModellsThe task was: press out the parts of the laser-cut steel plate, bend them with tongs and put them together. Sounds simple, but it is not. The 2mm thick plate absolutely do not let you to get it in the right shape. Also difficult was that Cosma, the daughter of Mr.. Heckel, made the work even more complicated, not necessarily negative. But with her sweet nature she kept us all the time for cuddling. At last we made it. After two hours of hard work we could held our work in the hands and were able to snap a photo.

The next day, Nicolas and I completed the rest of the paperwork, while Andreas and Monika were working on the PC. Much too early our ways parted, to begin the journey home. The greater the joy of the next meeting at NASA will be.

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