Schülerberichte - 2012 |
Moonbuggy team Russia 2012, colledge
International Space Education Institute, Leipzig
Huntsville April 5th 2012
The day began with breakfast. We discussed the plans with the students today, in the morning we will have 3 meeting in the afternoon - will modify the moonbuggy.
Ralph organized our trip to the Werner Von Braun Research University of Alabama in Huntsville. We were met by Vice-President Dr. John Horak. Staff organized a short tour more historical than scientific.
The next meeting was at a local school - Specialized Technical School Huntsville. A local teacher, Mr. White has organized a great team, his students every year take the first places in competitions. They have a good technical base, and their buggies made on a professional level. They organized a track similar to the one that will be in competition. I am and his sportsmen ride on moonbuggy on it. This is a very good school with excellent technical background. Then we went to the garage. The guys assemble the moonbuggy, I trained.
We made a few crash-test flew the central axis, poorly working brakes, and a couple of minor damage was revealed. All the rest of the day Roman and Genya helping students from other teams to collect their buggies.
In the evening came the guys from India Sahil and Ayrish. I went with Ralph to meet them.
The day was very busy. We did everything we planned, buggy collected, it now need to test , probably show up more damage inside of it, but it's ready to race.
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