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Schülerberichte - 2012
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My last months with the Moonbuggy

Giacomo Labbri, Moonbuggy Team Italy/India, 2012 Highschool
International Space Education Institute

Venice, 27.03.2012

Foto: Giacomo LabbriMy name is Giacomo Labbri, I live in Venice and I am attending the forth year at the lyceum G.B. Benedetti. I tell my preparation experience for the "Great Moonbuggy Race"   

On November 1 we had the first contact. Ralf Heckel, ISEI Chairman come to our school, introduce  us to the “Great Moonbuggy Race” and invite all my class to participate to a winter workshop in Leipzig. This project interested most of my classmates, the school headmaster and our teachers were positive about our participation, so we decided to get involved in this project.

On February 5 we flown to Leipzig. Here we had the possibility to learn something about moonbuggy design and construction. We had the opportunity to visit companies who help ISEI in the moonbuggy realization. We also made our first drive on a moonbuggy, we learn NASA values and translated in Italian the Moonbuggy Race Rules. It was an exhausting but fantastic experience. We understood how a work environment is designed and managed.

On February 18 we had a meeting with parents and teachers in Venice. We had to decide who will participate to the Great Moonbuggy Race, taking into account commitment and school profit : 4 classmate of mine and I finally get chosen. We were very happy, but we knew we have to work hard because we have only two months to make it.

Immediately after we had to make an application for NASA, because the international registration-deadline was on January 2012. On February 20 we made a video and wrote a letter of application for NASA in which we introduced ourself and we asked if we can participate to G.M.B.R. together with the Team India of the ISEI. Ralf helped us a lot. We got the OK!

Since  February 23 we started looking for sponsors and moonbuggy parts. We tried and contacted big and small companies by phone and by email. It was a lot of work. Here also the ISEI helped us and was able to make the first sponsors contact for us in Venice. Now we have a main sponsor – The

On March the 5 we met with our physics professors to assemble the back axle. Since March 15 we got the first pieces produced in the turnery in Venice. On March 16 we find components for moonbuggy back seat upholstery and belt. It was one of the few easy things.

On March 19  the first article about our participation to “The G.M.R” appeared on the “Corriere della Sera”. It was quite a goal both for our school and sponsor finding.
Directly after come the first interview. It was on March 20. We are interviewed by a “Gazzettino” reporter and a photographer made some photos of us with our moonbuggy. We never expected it.

On March 21 we found a bicycle shop willing to provide us necessary components (in particular  brakes and gear knobs). We were very happy because we had already tried in other shops but this specific pieces were difficult to find and, in addition, the shop accepted to give us them for free.

The second article on “La Nuova di Venezia e Mestre” was published on March 25. We received our first positive response from a sponsor on March 27. It was an important goal. Finally!

The reports from Huntsville from Evgeniy, Roman and Ralf are a big motivation. They are there and prepare the Moonbuggy Garage. Looking forward to come to Hunstville.

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