Education - Summer school |
„Der Schatten zeigt, wie ZEIT entflieht, obwohl die ZEIT man gar nicht sieht.“
Heinrich Christian Schumacher, Astronom und Geodät (1780-1850)
Leipzig, 21.03.2022 Gestern war Frühjahrs-Äquinoktium 2022 (Vernal-Equinox, Sonntag, 20. März, 16:32 Uhr), damit ist die Tag-Nacht-Gleiche gemeint. Es sind Tag und Nacht exakt jeweis12 Stunden lang. Die Ekliptik unseres Zentralgestirnes schneidet den Erdäquator. Damit beginnt der astronomische Sommer auf unserer Nordhalbkugel und die Tage sind nun bis zur nächsten Tag-Nacht-Gleiche länger als die Nächte.
Dieses Ereignis läutet nicht nur den astronomischen Frühling und den Countdown zur Sommerzeit ein, sondern ist auch auf horizontalen Sonnenuhren ein besonderes Ereignis - eine gerade Linie. Das International Space Education Institute stellt ab diesem Ereignis nun bis zum 23.9.2022 die zweitgrößte horizontale Sonnenuhr Deutschlands ein. Der Zeigerschatten (hier eine 7 meter hohe Rakete) schreibt eine exakte Linie. Die aus Edelstahl gelaserten Ziffern werden stündlich angebracht. Pfeile komplettieren alle 15 Minuten das Äquinoktikum-Ziffernblatt.
Das Besondere an diesem Ziffernstrahl ist, es ist eine Linie. Der Zeigerschatten der Rakete wandert aktuell zur Mittagszeit um 4,6 cm pro Minute. Eine Viertelstunde sind bereits 70 cm. Die Ziffern einer ganzen Stunde stehen 2,80 meter voneinander ab. Ab der Tag-Nach-Gleiche nun wölben sich die Ziffernlinien wöchentlich um den Zeiger, um nach dem Herbst-Äquinotikum eine offene Parabel von der Rakete weg zu beschreiben. So verkürzte sich der Zeigerschatten an nur einem Tag zwischen dem 20. und 21. Mörz bereits um 8 cm.
Der 8-jährige Jesco Heckel und seine Schwester Cosma setzen ab nun wöchentlich die Ziffern und gleichen den aktuellen Schatten mit einer Funkuhr ab. Dabei wurde die Sonnenuhr bereits auf Sommerzeit programmiert. Alle Zeiten innerhalb der Äquinoktikum-Linie sind Sommerzeit. Außerhalb ist Winterzeit. Das nun entstehende Ziffernblatt wird mehrere Schleifen enthalten, welchedie Ellipsenform der Erdbahn um die Sonne wiedergeben.
Das nächste besondere Ereignis bahnt sich in der zweiten Maiwoche an. Hier wird erwartet, dass sich die Schattenbahnen vor und nach der Sommersonnenwende schneiden und das einzige einheitliche Ziffernblatt des Jahres erzeugen. In allen anderen Wochen klaffen die Zeitlinien von Sommer- und Winterzeit um teilweise bis zu einer halben Stunde auseinander. Diese Schleifen sind auchbekannt durch die Mittagssonnenuhr am Royal Greenwich Observatory nahe London. Mithilfe dieser vertikalen Sonnenuhr wurden bis in das 20. Jahrhundert hinein Uhren zur Mittagszeit gestellt.
Die Leipziger Sonnenuhr ist nach Lüneburg mit ihrem 31 meter großem Zifferblatt und dem 7 meter Zeiger die zweitgrößte horizontale Sonnenuhr Deutschlands und die größte Sachsens. Sie ist eines der vielen Attraktionen, welche Ferienlagerkinder ab den diesjährigen Soimmercamp für Junge Naturforscher erwarten. Ab den Ferien führt der gemeinnützige Verein an der Wurzner Straße 4 wöchentliche Feriencamps mit Übernachtung im Space Hotel, Vollverpflegung und Vollprogramm an.
(grandson of the chief designer of Soviet space flight, Sergey P. Korolev) #stopthewar There is no excuse for the war. No matter what you call it. Attacking a neighboring fraternal nation has absolutely no excuse. Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, the famous designer of spacecraft, our grandfather, was born in Zhytomyr. He spent his childhood in Nizhyn. He went to school in Odesa. His first college years were at Kyiv Polytechnic University. He continued his education at Bauman Moscow State Technical University. He worked in Moscow closely collaborated with Ukraine. Oleg Antonov (AN aircraft manufacturer) was his close friend since his young years. He was a friend of our family. These cities and names are now on the news daily with the most tragic events possible. There have always been and always will be both Ukrainians and Russians among Granddad's and our closest friends and relatives. It is deeply saddening that the long-awaited launch of a piloted spaceship commemorating Sergei Korolev's 115th anniversary is shadowed by a monstrous, horrific, and unjust chapter of history.
Those who order to and those who are shelling cities and residential areas are war criminals. Trying to solve old personal resentment with missiles, bombs, howitzers, cannons, and rifles is a crime and a sign of a completely degraded personality. This senseless, monstrous fratricidal war must be stopped immediately. Peace to everyone. instagram: multilanguage article: PS: It is a special honor for me to be able to publish this open letter in English here. The word of a Korolev carries weight in Russia, with almost all citizens, cosmonauts, scientists and worldwide. It should show that not all Russians think like Putin and that these are 2 things that have to be separated. This letter is not without danger in Russia, but the author's grandfather was also imprisoned under Stalin in the Gulag under the most difficult human conditions. Ralf Heckel,
NASA engineer, visionary, book author, ISS director, Leipzig native
Prof. Dr. Freiherr Jesco von Puttkamer was the face of NASA on German TV for over 50 years, an icon as advisor to Gene Roddenberry (Star Trek - The Movie) and that strategist who promoted private space travel as founding director of the ISS space station. His seeds are now slowly sprouting 9 years after his death. This weekend, the first 100% private space flight landed in the Atlantic Ocean with a SpaceX Dragon and 4 crew members. Inspiration4 flew even higher than the ISS at 570 km above Earth. Long ago 2 private companies fly cargo to the ISS and one of them is even flying crew members. Jesco von Puttkamer was born on September 22, 1933, at Salomonstraße 25 in Leipzig. The pastor of the Nikolai Church had to perform the baptism in the small apartment, because mother no longer dared to cross the Augustusplatz in view of the Nazi marches. He would have been 88 years old today, a number he would have particularly liked - Infinity. It is no coincidence that the 100th anniversaries of the sci-fi authors Gene Roddenberry and Stanislav Lem fall in exactly this period. It was these visions that Puttkamer picked up as a student and sci-fi author and then turned into science reality as an aerospace engineer and non-fiction writer. His biggest baby was the ISS, which he worked tirelessly on since Skylab and became its American director at NASA headquarters in Washington. Few today remember the straightforward, outspoken, and tall man with curly white hair and a hauntingly deep voice. But his works live on in countless books and spaceflight successes. It was he who hired the colored Lt. Uhura (Nichelle Nichols) from the Starship Enterprise as NASA's ambassador in 1977, a novelty at the time. It was he who suggested christening the first space shuttle "Enterprise" and inviting the entire cast crew to its rollout, or equipping the first feature film "Star Trek" with NASA's "Voyager". In the end, he also brought the two space superpowers together, with the construction of the ISS. Since 2001, however, the tracks of the self-confessed "desk astronaut" Puttkamer have led back to his Leipzig home. A talent development school he founded for young engineers now bears his name in the Anger district of the city. His "children" are internationally successful and are regularly invited to compete. The "International Team Award" has been presented in his name since 2013 and continues his legacy: "Shaping the future together internationally, doing our best to open up the closed system of the earth. Anyone who has been on the ISS or works at NASA headquarters knows this tireless man whose name is an asteroid between Mars and Jupiter. And anyone who wants to see it will have to wait until his 90th birthday in September 2023. Because then "266725 Vonputtkamer" is closest to the earth, will be illuminated by the sun and will be visible with a telescope. Puttkamers students of many generations Puttkamer are organizing the 1st Internationale Space & Science Festival“ on Leipzigs expocenter beetween 1.-3.10.2021. They only follow his tracks into the asteroid belt. Position of the asteroid: Tracking 266725 Vonputtkamer
We are looking for your ideas for the future! Registration Festival: The festival will take place for the first time from 1 to 3 of October 2021 and then annually as a part of the "Hobby-Spiel-Freizeit" ("Hobby-Games-Leisure") at the Leipzig Trade Fair. It will be hosted in the entire 20,000 m² exhibition hall No. 4 and will offer an extensive educational seminar programme. We are looking for talented young amateur researchers and craftspeople who want to change their future with their wit, creativity, skills and present their work and ideas at the festival. We offer an independent platform to present all applied projects, talents and those who want to discover them. We are always available both live and virtually! Great prizes are in store for the winners, such as trips to NASA, training in the US SpaceCamp or Russian spaceflight, awards, certificates and prize money. The globally successful international NASA junior teams also invite you to the exciting "Beat the Rovernauts" competition. All projects must be registered online and will be judged four times (preliminary written work, on-site oral defence, display of the exhibit, online audience evaluation). Each team gets a booth and their own time in the conference centre, as well as their personal online TV Channel! Participation in the competition is free of charge. An international jury and a pedagogical advisory board will be provided. Individuals, groups of friends, work collectives, societies and school projects can apply. The age range of the participants or teams is 6 to 19 years old. One supervisor over the age of 21 is required for each participant. Individual students or work collectives and teams can register online and upload written projects in German or English in PDF format. The main topics are: We offer practical seminars, summer camps, workshops and excursions on all topics in the run-up to and after the event at the Jesco von Puttkammer School campus in Leipzig. Accommodation and meals are provided by the school's own Space Hotel.
There are no translations available. This was a very special, innovative and silent year. We hope you all are safe and in good shape. Who else lost somebody to Covid-19, our deepest condolences. International Space Education Institute transformed the most activities into online-curses. See more here in 2021. We are back!
Now join the live silvester concert of our houseband COSMIC NOISE CREW! |